Into the Woods (I Was In a Play!)

Hey Loves! So… I was in the play Into the Woods at my high school! I played Cinderella’s Mom, which, by the way, isn’t the evil one. I got a little solo and one line! 

I got to stand in a tree on the side of the stage and sing to Cinderella when she asks for her dress and slippers, and I also got to sing to Cinderella’s Prince and the stepsisters when they try to run off with the prince. I basically come up in there and say, “Dude, this ain’t the right girl.”😂

We had four shows. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 7pm, and on Sunday at 2pm. The cast had to be there two hours early to get makeup, hair, costumes, and mics. I’m not trying to throw shade, but our drama department is very unorganized, so we basically had 45 minutes to do makeup and hair. Everyone was rushing around, but I was smart and did my base, hair, and eye shadow before I came so I only had to do my eyelashes and lipstick there! I helped all of the girls zip up there dresses and tie up their corsets, you know, all of the basic needs. I even helped Cinderella do her quick change in Act II. 

We got Play Bills at the end, and everything looked so cool in it. Everyone had a picture with their name and characters under it, and my mom bought a place to give me and my friend a shout out! My mom’s work even paid to have their add on the back of the Play Bill in color! She works at a med spa, and they wanted to get their name out there! The money also really helped the drama department.

After the last show on Sunday, we all went to Chili’s! It was really fun, and I got to sit next to some really nice people. After we finished, about seven of us went to an ice cream shop😂. I got plain chocolate with a lot of toppings! We sat outside and talked about the play and how we would miss all of the seniors next year. It’s sad to know that some of my new friends will be leaving in a couple of months. I became so close to everyone in that cast, so at least I’ll know some people next year. 

I’ll miss this play, but it was also very stressful, so I’m glad that it’s over!! 

Thanks for helping me meet so many wonderful people!


Thanks for reading my loves. 




  1. i’m craving ice cream now

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